Xairu Heritage Portal


Xairu Heritage Portal NPC was established in 2020 with the broad objective to facilitate community development/ empowerment in Suurbraak by conserving and promoting its natural, indigenous and historic heritage. Focus will be placed on attracting international and local tourism to the village to secure an income to sustain the heritage and developmental activities and projects.

Our Projects

“If you plan for one year, plant rice. If you plan for ten years, plant trees.
If you plan for 100 years, educate mankind.” Chinese Proverb.

Our Sponsors

Our Vision

Xairu Heritage Portal NPC embraces values that promote an equal society where all people achieve their fullest potential by preserving our natural, indigenous and historic heritage while discovering new knowledge and leaving a sustainable world for future generations.

“In all of us there is a hunger, marrow-deep, to know our heritage, to know who we are and where we came from.”– Alex Haley

What We Do?

Youth development

Xairu Heritage Portal supports a “Youth Development” vision that is inspired by the words of Unicef (The United Nations Children’s Fund):”  Even though many poverty reduction strategies mention the needs of young people, they are limited in their analysis of the situation of youth and lack consideration of differences in young people’s realities”

Community Development

Xairu Heritage Portal supports a “Community  Development” vision that is inspired by the words of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA): “Certain liberties exercised by the state and other ruling elites (private sector/commercial interests), that have an exploitation impact would be curtailed when decision-making regarding use of local resources is owned at the local level. This in turn would mean that leverage or negotiation power is equalized and thus resource sharing equalized. Hence poverty reduction would hopefully ensue.”

Art and culture development

Xairu Heritage Portal supports a “Art and Culture Development” ” vision that is inspired by the words of Alan Kay from Oxford University: “The arts are often considered to be at the periphery of the community development process and only a minor player in regenerating areas. Despite increasing globalization, communities are beginning to recognize their own identity, culture, traditional art forms and the value of working together at a local level.”

Economic development

Xairu Heritage Portal supports a “Economic Development” vision that is inspired by the words of Dani Rodrik of Harvard University: ”Historically nothing has worked better than economic growth in enabling societies to improve the life chances of their members, including those at the very bottom.’

Tourism Development

Xairu Heritage Portal supports a “Tourism Development” vision that is inspired by the words of Juan Somavia, ILO Director-General:”  : “ “People in poverty go through each day with the will to survive, but without the support and possibilities to move up the ladder of opportunity. Imagine where their efforts could take them if that ladder were in place. Our common responsibility is to help put it there.”

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